Welcome to My Diary

My name is McKenzie Stewart. I am Married to a wonderful man and currently live in Florida. I have had 9 miscarriages and no children.

I have started this blog for 2 reasons. One being for others. I try not to tell everyone that I'm pregnant, but when I have to go on bed rest and suddenly I'm absent in the world, a few people have to find out. I try to keep the pity after a miscarriage to a minimum by staying positive, but I know there are lots of questions and gaps to be filled in.

And the most important reason I started this blog is for me. This is my escape and my therapy. This is personal and I put everything out there. My life is filled with blessings and happiness but it would be a lie to say that these miscarriages haven't made a significant impact in my life.

All the feelings that I've kept inside are now out.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

It's Time

To avoid thinking about the fact that it's time to tell everybody who knew I was pregnant, that I miscarried and that it's time to receive more pity and "I know exactly what you're going through"s (because a friend of their sister in-laws cousin had a miscarriage this one time)...

I have decided to focus on the fun "it's time"s!

It's time to...

Ride Roller Coasters!

Go Shopping

Walk my dogs

Go Running

Play with other people's children

Schedule photo shoots

Take pictures of everything!

Get carpel tunnel (from taking all of those pictures :)

Get a job?

Make cute surprises for my hubby!

Go to Disney World!

Read a book on the rocking chairs of the Animal Kingdom Lodge

Take on responsibilities

Clean my house

Do laundry

Start a project

Help others

All of those day-to-day activities that are so easy to take for granted. I'm just excited to be off the couch and out of bed! Time to turn up the music and have some fun!

Tomorrow's Post: "Announcements"

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