Welcome to My Diary

My name is McKenzie Stewart. I am Married to a wonderful man and currently live in Florida. I have had 9 miscarriages and no children.

I have started this blog for 2 reasons. One being for others. I try not to tell everyone that I'm pregnant, but when I have to go on bed rest and suddenly I'm absent in the world, a few people have to find out. I try to keep the pity after a miscarriage to a minimum by staying positive, but I know there are lots of questions and gaps to be filled in.

And the most important reason I started this blog is for me. This is my escape and my therapy. This is personal and I put everything out there. My life is filled with blessings and happiness but it would be a lie to say that these miscarriages haven't made a significant impact in my life.

All the feelings that I've kept inside are now out.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

"My New Life"

I recently read the book " Heaven is Here" which I consider to be a must read. It's the story of Stephanie Nielsen written by Stephanie Nielsen. Stephanie survived a plane crash with 80% of her skinned burned off. If you ever want to stop feeling bad for yourself, read her story. Here is a short video summing up her journey and the lesson you should learn from it. Stephanie also is the author of the blog of nienie diaries.

Tomorrow's Post: "A Personal look into our Marriage"

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